Week 2
Welcome to the second week of the course.
This week we will discuss about The Arena of the Antimicrobials...
What are Antimicrobials?
In this video, the aim is to understand what are antimicrobial agents and how do we control the growth of microorganisms.
And really it is something that we do daily but don't realize it.
Watch the video to know more.
Control of Microorganisms:
In this video, the focus is on the different methods used to control the growth of microorganisms.
The examples will help you relate to the daily life activities.
Terminologies- Control of Microorganisms
We very often use terms interchangeably without realizing that they mean very different from each other.
Let us understand the difference of terms used commonly with respect to the control of microorganisms.
Activity 3: Find the words in the puzzle: (Words can go in any direction, Words can share letters as they cross over each other)
1) This process kills all microorganisms
2) This process reduces the load of infectious microorganisms
3) This process reduces microbial load to the limits set by public health
4) This process involves use of chemical agents on tissues to reduce microbial load
5) This process involves use of medications to treat infectious diseases
6) This process involves mechanical removal of microorganisms from a solution
7) Physical method used to reduce load of microorganisms in operation theatre
Post your answers on padlet: https://padlet.com/letusfightamr/activities-d72vdemwq5r6yduv
Chemotherapeutic agents part 1:
How are these agents classified and let us know some commonly used suffixes to describe the type of antimicrobial agents.
Chemotherapeutic agents part 2:
This video focuses on how these chemotherapeutic agents work.
What exactly are broad and narrow spectrum antibiotics?
Watch the video to know more.
Drugs V/s Antibiotics:
What is the difference between drugs and antibiotics??
What is the way ahead?
Reading Material:
Basics of antimicrobial agents: https://wtcs.pressbooks.pub/pharmacology/chapter/3-2-antimicrobial-basics/
"ANTIMICROBIAL BASICS" by Chippewa Valley Technical College is licensed under CC BY 4.0
Assessment 2:
Spin-a-wheel activity (Mandatory for certification)
Spin a wheel thrice: https://spinthewheel.app/pac1OKHDM6 , note the three words
Define those three words and submit your answers via this google form: https://forms.gle/dZgDu6aEuU3cywESA
Reflection Activity (Week 2): Mandatory for certification
Just like week 1 mention what you gained in this week and how you feel it benefits you. Please write your full name and week 2 in the title.
Feedback Week 2: Mandatory for certification
Please give your honest feedback for week 2: